How ARCTIC Doubled eBay Ads Conversions While Saving 2736 Hours

ARCTIC Started Using Adspert for PPC Optimization of eBay Promoted Listings Advanced—and Saw Their Conversions Go Through the Roof

I’m going to share a case study in which ARCTIC achieved remarkable results by more than doubling their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced (PLA) conversions in two key markets, the US and Germany.

On (Germany), their PPC conversions increased by an impressive 135%. But it gets even better: on (US), they experienced a threefold increase in conversions, resulting in a remarkable 313% boost!

The best part? They achieved all that while reducing the workload!

And in this case study I’m going to show you exactly how Adspert contributed to ARCTIC’s eBay sales growth and present the outstanding results. Keep reading! 

Promoted Listings Advanced Results On

+ 0 %
+ 0 %
+ 0 %
+ 0 %

We are very satisfied with the cooperation with Adspert. Due to the automated keyword bids and the resulting time savings, we have become more efficient.

A good and comprehensive support and the constant work on new features makes Adspert from our point of view a very good business partner and we are looking forward to further cooperation.

First Successes with Automated Bid Optimization

ARCTIC first started optimizing their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced (PLA) ads with Adspert for the German market in March 2022. Right from the start, Adspert increased the number of ARCTIC’s conversions by +15%:

Comparison of ARCTIC's PPC conversions per day of their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced ads on
In its very first month, Adspert proved its worth to ARCTIC, delivering a +15% boost in conversions per day!

On top of that ARCTIC also saw a surge in their click-through rate (CTR) for their Promoted Listings Advanced eBay ads.

It gets better: Adspert has been consistently growing the conversion rates since ARCTIC first started using our powerful PPC optimization software in March 2022.

Comparing ARCTIC’s eBay Ads conversion rate before and after Adspert: conversion rate tripled!

Since ARCTIC started using Adspert, the conversion rate for their Promoted Listings Advanced has been steadily growing, leading to increased sales and profits.

The best part? Adspert’s smart AI achieved all this automatically, saving the team their precious time by eliminating tedious manual bid adjustments.

How much time exactly? In 1,5 years time, Adspert automatically set close to 2 million bids, saving 2736 hours just to set the bids!

Let alone the time used for data analysis, continuously harvesting and suggesting the best criteria for advertising accounts, and much, much more. I think we can agree that’s not something any human could do in such a short time.

And that’s where Adspert’s powerful AI truly shines.

One PPC Tool, Dual Success

Before I go into the details, let me tell you a bit more about ARCTIC. ARCTIC specializes in low-noise PC coolers and other high-quality computer components. They are present in more than 56 countries across the globe and sell their products across a number of markets.

They have already been successfully selling their products on Amazon while using Adspert to optimize their Amazon Ads. 

Because Adspert proved to be an excellent PPC optimization tool helping them to grow their sales, they decided to give it a go for eBay Ads as well.

Here’s the interesting part: Adspert supports cross-platform optimization. This means that you can optimize all your PPC campaigns in one place, using only one tool for Amazon and eBay advertising alike.

Image shows that Adspert makes it possible to use one PPC optimization tool for two advertising platforms - eBay Ads and Amazon Ads.
Adspert enables you to optimize your advertising campaigns from different platforms in a single PPC optimization tool. Say goodbye to multiple tools – use just one for all your PPC needs!

ARCTIC first decided to start optimizing their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced ads with Adspert on (Germany). A month later they added (USA) as well.

All data presented in this case study compares the numbers from the same periods:

  • Germany:
    • January-June 2022 – no Adspert
    • January-June 2023 – with Adspert
  • USA:
    • February-June 2022 – no Adspert
    • February-June 2023 – with Adspert

ARCTIC’s eBay Advertising Challenges

Before ARCTIC started using Adspert for eBay, they were battling with setting efficient bids and low ROAS (return on ad spend) for their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced ads.

Our main goal was to achieve more efficient bids for our eBay campaigns and improve ROAS, which was less favorable before we started working with Adspert.

Additionally, we aimed for increased conversion rates, reduced workload, and more detailed campaign analysis than what eBay Ads platform provides.

The team was manually optimizing their eBay ads campaigns which A – took a lot of time and B – they felt bids were not as efficient as they could have been.

Since they started with Adspert, ARCTIC saw a consistent increase. The most significant improvement was the triple-up of the conversions of their PLA ads on, the US market. More precisely, they saw an impressive conversion increase of 313%!

ARCTIC's most significant improvement after implementing Adspert was an extraordinary boost with a remarkable +313% increase in conversions for their Promoted Listings Advanced on

Let’s delve into the details and see results that Adspert brings to ARCTIC with premium PPC optimization to advertise on eBay.

The Adspert Effect: Conversions Doubled, Workload Reduced

Adspert’s technology allowed ARCTIC to optimize bids more efficiently, reduce the workload and get detailed insight in their eBay Ads performance.

Keep reading to find out more!

1. Positive Growth Trends: Performance Metrics Before and After Adspert

One of ARCTIC’s main goals was to achieve more efficient bids for their eBay Promoted Listings.

They could already see a positive trend during the trial phase in March 2022. Since then, impressions, clicks, and conversions have been steadily climbing up!

Let the numbers speak for themselves. – US

  • Impressions: +48%
  • Clicks: +102%
  • Conversions: +313%
Chart diagram showing ARCTIC's PPC improvements after optimizing their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced with Adspert for
With Adspert, ARCTIC got three times more conversions, doubled their clicks, and saw almost a 50% improvement in impressions for their Promoted Listings Advanced on – Germany

  • Impressions: +12%
  • Clicks: +32%
  • Conversions: +135%


We achieved this together!

Chart diagram showing ARCTIC's PPC improvements after optimizing their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced with Adspert for
ARCTIC's Promoted Listings Advanced on doubled conversions compared to the previous period before implementing Adspert.

Displayed numbers compare the same time periods. Germany: January – June 2022 (before Adspert) and January – June 2023 (with Adspert). USA: February – June 2022 (before Adspert) and February – June 2023 (with Adspert).

Enhancing Ads with Ease: Keyword Suggestions

Adspert constantly harvests and suggests the best keywords for ARCTIC’s eBay advertising accounts. This alone saves them loads of valuable time and manual work.

The only thing left for the ARCTIC team to do, is to review the keyword suggestions and assign them to the corresponding advertising campaigns.

This streamlines the keyword management process. The best part? Keyword suggestions ultimately improve ad performance by reducing costs and generating more volume.

This is only one piece of the puzzle, but with Adspert’s help, ARCTIC decreased their eBay Ads cost revenue ratio in the German market by almost -18%!

Chart showing how ARCTIC reduced their PPC cost revenue ration for Promoted Listings Advanced on
In 6 months, ARCTIC decreased their eBay Ads cost revenue ratio by -18% for

Optimizing Ad Spend with Budget Suggestions

Smart, machine-learning AI also automatically detects when ARCTIC’s campaigns could benefit from a campaign budget change.

For example, if the budget is too low and used up early in the day, it notifies the team, who then decide whether to adjust the budget or not.

Remember how one of the aims of ARCTIC’s team was to reduce their workload? Background analysis and automatic budget suggestions contribute to exactly that, taking the manual work out of the equation.

Wisely Navigating PPC Optimization Targets with Scenarios

ARCTIC lacked detailed campaign analysis on the eBay Ads platform. They didn’t have enough information to make informed decisions about optimizing their eBay PPC accounts.

The Scenarios give us a good overview of how the campaigns can change with different target settings and which target should be set to get the best possible performance.

This is where Adspert’s Scenario tool comes in. Adspert uses machine learning to predict the behavior of your campaigns, ad groups, and keywords to optimize your campaigns and achieve the best performance possible.

The Scenario Tool provides a glimpse into these predictions and empowers ARCTIC to make informed decisions on target settings, ensuring optimal campaign performance.

2. Time Savings: Adspert's Impact on ARCTIC's Workload

Everyone knows that creating online advertising campaigns is one thing, but managing and optimizing them is a whole different challenge, and it takes time.

The same was true for ARCTIC. One of their goals was to use a tool that could make handling PPC ads easier and reduce their workload.

Here’s where Adspert shines: solely by automatically adjusting bids, it saved ARCTIC a whopping 2,736 hours over a year and a half!

ARCTIC saved 2736 hours of work by using Adspert to set bid for their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced ads alone.
By automating only PPC bid adjustments, Adspert already helped ARCTIC save 2,736 hours of work.

Another way Adspert helped ARCTIC save time is by letting them automatically add new ad campaigns to their existing Performance Groups. Like many other online sellers, ARCTIC constantly adds new products, and it’s much quicker and simpler to put them into groups that already exist.

Quick PPC Optimization Review

Thanks to Adspert’s easy-to-use interface, ARCTIC can quickly see how well their PPC ads are doing. The team feels more in control of their ad campaigns.

Adspert also gives them helpful information, like which keywords led to product sales and which products are performing strongly.

With Adspert’s assistance, they can react faster, swiftly replace products that aren’t doing well, and adjust campaign budgets.

3. Detailed Data-Insights Enable Informed Decisions

eBay’s advertising platform does include reports, but lacks comprehensive, in-depth information. The ARCTIC team found it challenging to make data-driven decisions.

Here’s where Adspert steps in: Adspert’s thorough analysis provides ARCTIC with detailed and transparent insights.

The Monitor page helps them quickly grasp their account performance and see any changes at a glance. Another advantage is the clear analysis of campaigns with easy-to-understand graphs.

When it comes to a detailed analysis, ARCTIC utilizes Adspert’s Reporting and Key Figures. With the data collected, processed, and analyzed by Adspert, ARCTIC can really dive into each specific keyword.

For instance, they can easily find out which keyword led to a product sale.

Adspert's PPC keyword report for eBay Ads
From Adspert's Key Figures page you get the entire breakdown of every single keyword and a wide range of related metrics (to protect ARCTIC's privacy, data presented on this image is for illustration purposes only).)

4. Navigating Big Sales Events: Black Friday and Beyond

During big sales events like Black Friday, speed is crucial. You need to act fast, just like with PPC campaign optimization. Quick reactions to daily changes in conversion rates are essential because these events are short-lived!

That’s where ARCTIC discovered Adspert’s excellent bonus feature: Event Mode. It’s developed specifically for sales events, and it enables swift responses to changing conversion rates and CPCs.

During events, Adspert’s AI switches to Event Mode, temporarily making significant bid adjustments which enhances flexibility during sales events.

The best part? After the sales event is over, Adspert automatically reverts to regular mode so you don’t forget about it and end up with too extreme bid changes.


To conclude, ARCTIC’s collaboration with Adspert led to impressive results of their eBay Promoted Listings Advanced. With Adspert’s help, their conversions tripled, and their revenue saw a significant rise.

This case study highlights how Adspert’s smart AI streamlined ARCTIC’s efforts, saved time, and provided valuable insights, enabling the team to overcome bid efficiency challenges and achieve remarkable success in their eBay advertising.

If you’re looking to replicate this success and improve your PPC ad profitability, try Adspert. Use it to improve your keyword management, automatically set the most efficent PPC bids, and free up your resources so your can focus on your core business.



ARCTIC, a leading manufacturer of low-noise PC coolers and components, initiated and continues to shape the trend towards quiet cooling systems. In addition to an extensive range of CPU and GPU coolers and fans, ARCTIC produces high-quality monitor arms, wall mounts, thermal paste as well as thermal pads.

The company, headed by founder Magnus Huber, has offices in Germany, Hong Kong and the USA. It has won over PC enthusiasts in more than 56 countries with innovative and user-friendly products that are high quality and sold at fair prices. For more than 20 years, ARCTIC has stood for comfortable computing, top-level gaming and overclocking, stellar service and personal support.

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